Getting Started with Self Service Data Collection

This article helps you focus on the information most useful to getting up and running with Self Service Data Collection

Note: This article is primarily aimed at Dataset Moderators, if you are a Contributor you will find more helpful information by following this link.

A good place to start with is familiarising yourself with the core concepts:

Once you have an understanding of the core concepts, its time to create your first Data Table that you will use to collect data. Do this with the help of this article:

If you want to dive deeper on Data Tables there are lots more helpful articles in the Working with Data Tables section but you won't need to read them all to get started.

Now that you have set up your first Data Table, you may want to invite some contributors. If not you can add some data yourself as a Moderator by clicking on Edit Data on the Data Table you created which will take you to the data entry page for moderators. Here are some important concepts relating to contributors if you wish to add them now:

Now that you have populated your Dataset with some data it's time to make it accessible on the Seer platform so that your audience can start analysing, exploring and creating insights. Learn about how to share your dataset with organisations and individual users with these articles:

Please note, data is ingested every 24 hours and will not be available till the following day after it was entered.

That concludes getting started with Self Service Data Collection. If you want to learn more browser the other topics available in the Data Collection section.