What is a Data Table?
What is a Data Table?
- Dataset Template Tables are structured in a similar fashion to spreadsheets.
- Each of them is a form of storage for the raw data that makes up a complete dataset.
- Each is configured with a Schema that describes the data that is being collected.
- Dataset Template Tables belong to Dataset Templates. You can create many tables as part of a template. Contributors of the template will be able to access the tables and enter data against them via their respective contributor links.
How do I create a Data Table?
- Navigate to a Dataset Template and click on the Create Table button.
- On the table creation page
- Give your table a unique name. This will be available to query upon in the platform explore tool so it’s good to set a name that describes the data well so it is easier to find.
- Create a unique Schema to describe the data being collected.
- Hit “Save Table” to finish up.
How do I edit the configuration for a Data Table?
- Navigate to a Dataset Template, find the table you wish to edit in the Tables section and click on the Edit Schema button.