What is a shared Dashboard?

A shared Dashboard is one where access has been provided to it by the Dashboard owner.

Varying levels of access can be granted by Dashboard owners. These are:

Public Link Access
This allows anyone with the Public Link to view the Dashboard without needing to be a Seer Platform user.

Read Only Access
This allows a Seer Platform user to be able to view the Dashboard in read only mode.

This access can be set at either the organisation or member level. Setting access at the organisation level grants the access to all members of the organisation. Setting access at the member level only provides access to the member in question. If access is granted at the member level, this overrides any access set at the organisation level for that member.

Full Access
This allows a Seer Platform user to view and edit a Dashboard.

It can also be granted at organisation or member level.

HTML Embed Code
This can be used to embed a Dashboard on an external website page.

Click here to find out more about sharing your Dashboard.