Variable grouping
Variables are grouped by their type. What this means is that once data is made available to the Seer Explore Data tool, the Variables that comprise the data are automatically split into 4 different types. These types are the same as what is seen on the Seer Explore Data tool. The variable type cannot be manually configured at the moment, it is determined by the Seer platform and Variables for each type are currently as follows:
- Quantity
- “Measured quantity”
- This is the only Variable currently classified as being of Quantity type. It is a quantitative variable whose categories are metrics of something that is being captured, like “Number of people that attended” for example.
- “Measured quantity”
- Topic
- All variables that do not fall into the Quantity, Time or Location type are grouped as Topic variables.
- Time
- "Year"
- "Year ending December"
- "Financial Year"
- "Year Month"
- "Year Quarter"
- "Year Range"
- "Year School Term"
- "Year Semester"
- "Date"
- "Year School Term Week"
- "Grant Approval Year"
- "Grant Approval Year Month"
- "Grant Approval Year Quarter"
- "Grant End Year"
- "Grant End Year Month"
- "Grant End Year Quarter"
- "Grant Start Year"
- "Grant Start Year Month"
- "Grant Start Year Quarter"
- "Week Starting"
- "Week Ending"
- Location
- "Indigenous Region (IREG)"
- "Indigenous Region (IARE)"
- "Local Government Area (LGA)"
- "Postal Area (POA)"
- "State Suburb (SSC)"
- "Suburb and Locality (SAL)"
- "Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2)"
- "Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3)"
- "Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4)"
- "Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA)"
- "State or Territory"
- "Country"
- "Primary Health Network"
- "Hub"
- "District"
- "Region"
- "Division"
- "Delivery Postcode"
- "Recipient Postcode"